The Accipiter Cookie Rating System is used to measure cookie texture on the basis of softness. When used properly, ACRS (pronounced "acres") can help the cookie connoisseur determine his or her preferred cookie texture.

ACRS is similar to both wine tasting, and the Richter scale.

                          Accipiter Cookie Rating System
               C H E W Y                |              C R U N C H Y         
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   X   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

# | Level Name           | Texture Description / Comparison
0 | Liquid Chewy         | A Puddle of Water
1 | Runny Batter Chewy   | Very Thin Mud
2 | Ooey Gooey Chewy     | Hershey Bar on a Summer Day
3 | Super Soft Chewy     | Cooked Egg Whites
4 | Weak Chewy           | Tunafish
5 | Medium Chewy         | Moist Chewing Gum
6 | Premium Chewy*       | Chewy Chips Ahoy (*Optimal Chewy)
7 | Firm Chewy           | A Cube of Caramel
8 | Hard Chewy           | Taffy
9 | Rigid Chewy          | Hard Taffy
0 | Soft Crunchy         | A Dry Sponge
1 | Medium Crunchy       | Popcorn
2 | Regular Crunchy      | Oreo Cookies
3 | Munchy Crunchy       | Lifesavers
4 | Ear-Crunch Crunchy   | A Candy Cane
5 | Crunch Limit Crunchy | Peanut Brittle
6 | Overly Crunchy       | Lava Rock
7 | Too Crunchy Crunchy  | Jawbreaker
8 | Solidified Crunchy   | Brazil Nut Shell
9 | Dental work Crunchy  | Red Brick

To use ACRS, specify the level of your cookie in the format "TYPE:LEVEL". In this case, the optimal chewy cookie (and the absolute best kind of cookie) would be specified as:


Methinks that cookie manufacturers should use this scale. Just print the cookie rating on a small area of the packaging. That way, people who have never tried your brand of cookie can see immediately if it falls within their preferred ratings.

Due to obvious reasons, a cookie can not be Chewy:0. This rating is used for scale balancing. For example, if a cookie is Chewy:2, you know it's three degrees away from pure liquid.