Apparently, I worked at some sort of TV News station. I was a technician working behind the scenes, but I was on location everywhere the reporters went.

For some reason, we were covering a fairly large event held at my old high school. There was a table out in front of the library that had pasta salad, pie, and cups out for the visitors. Behind the table were Mrs. McLeod (English Teacher), Crystal (a student) and Ralph Lauren. Ralph walked out in front of the table, and Crystal proceeded to go into detail on what he was wearing. (A black shirt with a beige sport jacket of some sort.)

I walked back into the event center and sat down on one of those metal fold-out chairs. To my left was our stations's reporter - a very attractive female with brown hair, probably in her late twenties. She had a maroon blouse on with a large gold pin, a matching maroon knee-length skirt, and light-colored stockings. She was sitting next to me, fiddling with some of the equipment.

She turned to me and asked if I knew how to work the machine on her lap, and I said yes. I started explaining the details of the functionality of the unit, what it does, and what it doesn't do. She pointed to the pop-out bays on the bottom right and asked "Do you know how these work?"

I popped out one of the bay covers, and began to explain their use. As I started talking, she un-crossed her legs and draped her right leg tightly over my left leg. At this point, I became visibly nervous, and continued explaining the bays, albeit with a shaky voice. Of course, she noticed this, and began to very slowly move her leg up and down. Factoring this in with my current state, my nervousness increased exponentially within a matter of seconds. I had no idea what provoked her into this action, but by no means was I complaining.

I shakily finished my explanation, and she smiled brightly and said "Thank you!" She kept up her motions as we continued small-chat for a few minutes, when the station manager walked in behind us. We both stood up quickly, and the station manager announced that she would be covering the event.

That left myself and our reporter with nothing to do for the evening.

Then some asshole outside woke me up with his car horn.