- ReadErr (user)
- reader
- Utne Reader
- exercise for the reader
- Silly Little Mail Reader
- dear reader
- Reader's Digest
- early reader books
- I am not a mind reader
- Uncle John's Bathroom Reader
- screen reader
- Microsoft Reader
- unknown reader
- Women writers who eroticize gay men for female readers
- Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages
- Weekly Reader
- avid reader (user)
- How not to bring in new comic book readers
- D&WinOZ: To My Readers
- E2 hardlinks and the ideal reader
- To Any Reader
- Adobe Reader
- The Tolkien Reader
- gentle reader
- McGuffey's Readers
- Chicago Reader
- TTofOZ:To My Readers
- The Reader
- readers indigestion (user)
- Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
- Introductions should not alienate readers
- Ralph Reader
- Readers
- Reader and Superreader
- Reader response theory
- From the "poet" to the "reader"
- McGuffey's Eclectic Readers
- reader (user)
- The Reader's Bill of Rights
- Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia
- A proctor is more than just a reader
- Stone Reader
- Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature
- Critical skills for the modern reader
- The Constant Reader
- Flash Mind Reader
- Mind Reader
- Blind reader
- Readers Be Where? (e2poll)
- Fooling a fingerprint reader with gummi bears
- Lay reader
- Readers' Advisory Service
- Wizard People, Dear Reader
- beware the soul readers
- reader, i married him
- Children are people readers and they know when you are fiction
- Speed Reader (e2poll)
- Rita Reader (user)
- All Sun readers are stupid cunts
- On ebook readers
- Accelerated Reader
- since we became accelerated readers, we never leave the house
- First reader
- YALSA's Readers' Choice Booklist
- California Young Reader Medal
- Reader Rabbit
- Advance Reading Copy
- Reader's Digest Condensed Books
- Reader's Digest Condensed Books, Vol. 1, 1982
- references to high school in the 80's as if it were a common factor between the author and reader
- It's hard to be enthusiastic about reading and books with someone that openly admits to being a bad reader
- Reader with a tail
- Natural Reader
- The Superhero Reader
- Do you believe, dear reader, that there exists a slender gossamer thread binding you and and I together in our shared humanity? Say 'yes', and we will face the onslaught of the unreal together.
- Slashdot
- Slashdot Effect
- Slashdot syndrome
- Slashdot Sucks
- Slashdot using Everything as a Dictionary
- Slashdot Nation
- Slashdot as Statler and Waldorf?
- Slashdot karma
- slashdot troll
- slashdot radio
- Slashdot is down
- Slashdot sid
- Slashdot Troll's Haiku
- The Slashdot moderation plausibility phenomenon
- Slashdot Troll's Greatest Hits
- AOL Keyword: Slashdot
- trying to crack slashdot
- mentioning Natalie Portman on Slashdot is counterproductive
- Slashdot trolling as an art form
- slashdot troll warning system
- Slashdot History of the World
- The obligatory CowboyNeal option on every Slashdot poll
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