Order: primates
(Zoological Latin, from primas, "first")
Taxonomic order name for the order which includes humans, apes, and monkeys.
- (Kingdom) Animalia, (animals)
- (Phylum) Chordata/Vertebrata, vertebrates (animals with spinal cords)
- (Class) Mammalia, mammals
- (Order) Primates, primates
- (Family) Cheirogaleidae (mouse lemurs and dwarf lemurs)
- (Family) Lemuridae (lemurs)
- (Family) Indriidae (Indrisoids, avahis, sifakas and indris)
- (Family) Daubentoniidae (Aye-aye)
- (Family) Lorisidae (lorises, pottos, and angwantibos)
- (Family) Tarsiidae (tarsiers)
- (Family) Callithricidae (marmosets and tamarins)
- (Genus) Callithrix
- (Genus) Cebuella
- (Genus) Saguinus
- Saguinus bicolor, Bare-faced tamarin
- Saguinus fuscicollis, Saddle-back tamarin
- Saguinus geoffroyi, Geoffroy's tamarin
- Saguinus graellsi
- Saguinus imperator, Emperor tamarin
- Saguinus inustus, Mottle-faced tamarin
- Saguinus labiatus, White-lipped tamarin
- Saguinus leucopus, White-footed tamarin
- Saguinus martinsi, Martin's tamarin
- Saguinus midas, Red-handed tamarin
- Saguinus mystax, Moustached tamarin
- Saguinus nigricollis, Black and red tamarin
- Saguinus oedipus, Cotton-top tamarin
- Saguinus tamarin, Negro tamarin
- Saguinus tripartitus
- (Genus) Leontopithecus
- (Genus) Callimico
- (Family) Cebidae (cebids)
- (Family) Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys and baboons)
- (Subfamily) Cercopithecinae
- (Genus) Macaca
- Macaca arctoides, Bear macaque
- Macaca assamensis, Assam macaque
- Macaca fascicularis, Crab-eating macaque
- Macaca hecki
- Macaca maurus, Moor macaque
- Macaca mulatta, Rhesus macaque
- Macaca nemestrina, Pig-tailed macaque
- Macaca nigra, Celebes ape
- Macaca nigrescens, Black ape
- Macaca radiata, Bonnet macaque
- Macaca silenus, Liontail macaque
- Macaca sinica, Toque macaque
- Macaca speciosa, Stump-tailed macaque
- Macaca sylvanus, Barbary ape
- Macaca thibetana, Tibetan stump-tailed macaque
- Macaca tonkeana, Tonkean macaque
- (Genus) Cercocebus
- (Genus) Papio
- (Genus) Mandrillus
- (Genus) Theropithecus
- (Genus) Cercopithecus
- Cercopithecus aethiops, Savanna monkey
- Cercopithecus albogularis, Sykes' monkey
- Cercopithecus ascanius, Schmidt's guenon
- Cercopithecus campbelli, Campbell's monkey
- Cercopithecus cephus, Moustached monkey
- Cercopithecus denti, Dent's monkey
- Cercopithecus diana, Diana monkey
- Cercopithecus dryas, Dryas monkey
- Cercopithecus erythrogaster, Red bellied monkey
- Cercopithecus erythrotis, Red-eared monkey
- Cercopithecus hamlyni, Owl-faced monkey
- Cercopithecus lhoesti, L'Hoest's monkey
- Cercopithecus mitis, Diademed monkey
- Cercopithecus mona, Mona monkey
- Cercopithecus neglectus, De Brazza's monkey
- Cercopithecus nictitans, Greater white-nosed monkey
- Cercopithecus petaurista, Lesser white-nosed monkey
- Cercopithecus pogonias, Crowned monkey
- Cercopithecus preussi, Preuss' monkey
- Cercopithecus pygerythrus, Green monkey
- Cercopithecus sabaeus, Grivet
- Cercopithecus salongo, Zaire Diana monkey
- Cercopithecus solatus, Sun-tailed monkey
- Cercopithecus tantalus, Vervet
- Cercopithecus wolfi, Wolf's monkey
- (Genus) Miopithecus
- (Genus) Allenopithecus
- (Genus) Erythrocebus
- (Subfamily) Colobinae
- (Genus) Colobus
- (Genus) Procolobus
- (Genus) Pygathrix
- (Genus) Simias
- (Genus) Nasalis
- (Genus) Prebytis
- Prebytis aurata
- Prebytis comata, Sunda leaf monkey
- Prebytis cristata, Silvered leaf monkey
- Prebytis delacouri
- Prebytis entellus, Hanuman langur
- Prebytis femoralis, Mitred leaf monkey
- Prebytis francoisi, Francois monkey
- Prebytis frontata, White-fronted leaf monkey
- Prebytis geei, Golden leaf monkey
- Prebytis hosei, Grizzled leaf monkey
- Prebytis johnii, Nilgiri langur
- Prebytis melalophos, Banded leaf monkey
- Prebytis obscura, Dusky leaf monkey
- Prebytis phayrei, Phayre's leaf monkey
- Prebytis pileata, Capped leaf monkey
- Prebytis potenziani, Mentawai leaf monkey
- Prebytis rubicunda, Maroon leaf monkey
- Prebytis senex
- Prebytis thomasi, Ebony leaf monkey
- Prebytis vetulus, Purple-faced leaf monkey
- (Family) Hylobatidae (gibbons and siamangs)
- (Family) Pongidae (Great apes)
Note that the structure of the latter family grouping is considered somewhat controversial. Homo sapiens is popularly grouped (in various ways) in a family of its own, Hominidae. However, given the relatively close genetic relationship with the other Pongidae, this would seem to be a hypocritical example of wishful thinking, and does not belong in a scientific listing.
If nothing else, reading this list should convince us that we have a lot of close relatives in the animal world.