Another term for hackspeak. The normal letters are replaced with symbols and numbers. Used by k3wl d00dz, people making fun of them, and people who want to piss off newbies who don't understand it. Here is a heavily l33t speaked example:

p|-|34r (\/)3 1 0\/\/(\) j00 !!! 1 @(\/) |337! = Fear me I own you! I am elite!

Here is a comprehensive guide to lamerspeak, aka l337sp33k. The guide fits into a space of 38 by 7 characters, which is pretty damn terse. Of course, it's totally illegible unless you know perl, in which case you more than likely know l337sp33k already..


open(FHA, $ARGV[0]) or die "Input file unspecified or broken";
undef $/; $_ = <FHA>;

s/dude/dood/ig;      s/elite/31337/ig;
s ((f|ph)(e)a(r))        ($1$2$2$3)ig;
s (ck(?:er)?(s|ed|ing)?\b) (x0r$1)sig;
s/w/\\V/ig; s/m/\|V\|/ig; s/l/\|\_/ig;
s/h/\|\-\|/ig; s/f/ph/ig; s/k/\|\</ig;
# tr/a-z/A-Z;     # this line optional

print $_;

# This needs some mechanism to apply the regexps
# on lines four and five about half the time and at complete 
# random. It also needs to use + in place of 7 to replace 
# "t" about one-fifth or so of the time, and to 
# inconsistently use l33t in place of 31337, but not often.
# I can't think of any easy way to randomly 
# arbitrarily apply regular expressions.
# Yeh, yeh, i know, there are probably like 500 versions
# of this exact script already out there. Whatever.
# Did i leave anything out?

l33t sp34k alphabet

A = /-\ or 4
B = |3 or 8
C = (
D = |)
E = 3
F = |=
G = (¬
H = |-|
I = l, 1, or |
J = _|
K = |< or |{
L = |_
M = |\/| or /\/\
N = |\| or /\/
O = 0 or ()
P = Alt+0222 on Windows charmaps
Q = (,)
R = |2 or |Z
S = 5
T = (none)
U = |_|
V = |/, \| or \/
W = \/\/
X = ><
Y = (none)
Z = 2

a = 4
b = |o
c = < or the copyright symbol
d = o|
e = 3
f = (none)
g = (none)
h = (none)
i = (none)
j = (none)
k = |<
l = 1 or |
m = (none)
n = (none)
o = 0
p = (none)
q = (none)
r = (none)
s = (none)
t = +
u = (none)
v = (none)
w = (none)
x = ><
y = `/
z = (none)

When one letter has no character for one caps form, the opposite form may be exchanged for it.

Common phrase differences:

to, too, two = 2
you, your = j00, j00r
hacker = h4x0r
at = @
rocks = r0x0rs
underpants = b0x0rs
socks = s0x0rs
goodbye = l4+3rz

Internet shorthand (brb, lol, etc.) may be used frequently in l33t sp34k without changing each of it's letters (eg. lol does not equal 101).

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