Hack and Slash are also two characters from the
CGI TV show
Reboot. They work for the evil
computer virus Megabyte, fufilling the role of
bungling thugs and general-purpose
henchmen. Hack is the red one, Slash is the blue one (I think), though they occasionally get mixed up. These two are possibly one of the reasons Megabyte is constantly
thwarted by Guardian
While hopelessly but endearingly inept at being bad guys, this is not entirely due to incompetence, but partly due to a subconcious block. As Slash put it in the episode "Game Over", "Bob would always stop us before we did something bad." The duo eventually defected to the side of Dot Matrix and her rebels in the later part of the third season of Reboot. Even in the mostly serious third and four seasons, they retain the bickering Abbot and Costello type humor that has endeared them to many fans of the show (but people being like they are, it has probably annoyed just as many).
Side note: The names "Hack" and "Slash" refer not to the style of comptuer adventure games mentioned above, but to nicknames for the keyboard characters "/" and "\".