- operational amplifier
- Fully Committed
- The Sequence of Operations in Fully Automatic Weapons
- Pandeism fully accounts
- but to more fully experience the wheel
- Automate My House Fully Please
- Fully valued
- Operational Risk
- operational definition
- operational tempo
- operational semantics
- Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha
- Operational Calculus
- formal operational
- concrete operational
- Highly vs Fully
- fully buzzword compliant
- Fully
- fully functional
- Things I've yet to fully learn
- fully appreciate
- We emerged on the other side of the cartoon holes fully awake and discovered we were whole
- Fully Qualified Domain Name
- Fallen angels never fully regain control
- My Eyes Are Fully Open
- My brain and I have never fully communicated
- fully vested
- The problem with having parents who don't fully understand computers
- Fully Informed Jurors Association
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