The end of time as speculated by a few of the different calenders of major civilizations of the world:
The arrival of the Avatar of Krishna: 2003
The end of the Mayan Calendar: Dec 23, 2012
The end of the world according to Zecharia Sitchin, the sumerian scriptures: Early 2013
The date for the end of time calculated by Terrence Mckenna out of the I Ching: Dec, 21 2012
The planetary alignment or syzygy: Sept 8, 2040
The end of the Muslim calendar: 2076
The end of the Jewish calendar: 2240
And for all you Christians that think things happen in millenial periods, the next one will be in exactly 364,945 days 2 hours 32 minutes and 20 seconds from the moment of writing (GMT)
This is for all those people left salty after the world failed to end for the recent quasi-millenium, just to give you something to look forward to. All I know is that I am going to have one hell of a party on December 20, 2012