Another update 20030929: Using this URL instead is less taxing on E2's servers because it searches for nodes via Google instead:
stewacide says
this is easier done
using Tweak UI
if you use
Windows XP.
If you use IE on Windows, try saving the following contents between the tags into a .reg file in the usual
ASCII encoding for Windows 95/98 or in
Unicode encoding for Windows 2000:
< start e2.reg >
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl\e2]
" "="+"
< end e2.reg >
Once you install this registry information by double-clicking the .reg file, try typing this into the address bar (without the parenthesis) and hit ENTER:
e2 (your search query here)
/msg me if you have trouble getting it to work.
Other ways to conveniently search Everything: