RPI is also the Ratings Percentage Index formula used as one of the factors by the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Committee to decide at-large bids for the Tournament.

RPI was first used in 1981. It is designed to measure the strength-of-schedule component for each team. The Committee has historically placed a premium on this criteria, but needed a way to quantify and compare different schools.

The basic formula is: This result, itself a percentage, is called basic RPI.

Adjustments are made using a secret system of bonuses and penalties known only to the Committee. What is known is that there are bonuses for "good wins" (beating a team in the top-50 RPI) and penalties for "bad losses" (losing to a team in the bottom-50 RPI). Other correction factors are used based on location of games, implementation of a difficult non-conference schedule, and so forth.

Nominal Values
An RPI of 0.600 or better at the end of the regular season is considered quite good. For 2002-2003, Kentucky has the top estimated basic RPI of 0.6596.

Rockwell Protocol Interface. An ASIC design first perpatuated by Rockwell Semiconductor, based on the idea that the modem could off-load the operations of data compression and error correction to the main processor, thereby making the modem electronics less complicated and therefor cheaper. First seen in the late '80 and existing into the mid '90s where it's legacy of being fucked by design was then carried in by todays' WinModem that we all love so dearly.

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