OOP (a.k.a. Object Oriented Programming) is the idea that data in a computer's memory can be regarded (and acted upon) as a theoretical object. A good example of this is a hot dog stand. In reality, each hot dog stand has its own statistics (temperature of the oven, number of hot dogs available, etc.). However, from and Object-Oriented standpoint, every statistic can be treated as a property of the HotDogStand object.

See also:

Object-Oriented Programming is activity to describe real world objects in terms
of abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation. Real world objects have identity, state, behavior which is modelled using features found from programming languages.
Languages supporting statically typed OO are Java,C++, eiffel, sather.

An acronym for Out Of Place, although in usage it's usually referred to as "an OOP", meaning "an Out Of Place object". Used often in Fortean literature to denote something (almost always an animal) which appears somewhere it would/should not normally be found.

The Beast of Bodmin Moor is a prime example of an OOP; if the majority of witnesses are correctand the beast is really is a big cat of some kind, then it is certainly out of place in Bodmin Moor in the North of England.

A less celebrated but certainly more frequently observable example of OOPs can be seen on pretty much every visit to a supermarket. These are items which shoppers have picked up and then later abandoned in another part of the store, sometimes intact, sometimes opened, and sometimes even mutilated. Supermarket OOPs become very apparent once one begins looking for them, and can be a great source of wonder and joy, or at the very least a way of easing the boredom of grocery shopping.

Supermarket OOPs are generally found in greater concentrations near checkouts.

OOP also stands for "Out of Print" or "Out of Production" usually in reference to books although it could apply to anything. This acronym is popular on eBay, as people try to sell their goods for lots of money.

Oop (?), v. t. [Etymol. uncertain.]

To bind with a thread or cord; to join; to unite.




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