This is a Java applet based off of android's C OpenGL implementation of a Koch snowflake (node_id=552873).
To use it:
- make sure you have a JDK 1.1 or higher-compatible compiler (one source is
- copy the HTML part into a file like kochdemo.html
- copy the Java part into a file named
- compile the Java applet: javac
- view the applet: appletviewer kochdemo.html or open kochdemo.html in your Java-enabled web-browser
The Java source should be pretty readable, but feel free to
/msg me if you have any questions.
<head><title>Koch Snowflake</title></head>
Koch Snowflake demo applet<br />
<applet code="KochSnowflake.class" width="500" height="600">
You need Java 1.1.
* Copyright 2000 by Nathan Bronecke
* This is based off of a program written in C for OpenGL by android.
* android's version is available at
* Reasons+for+wanting+to+write+a+java+program+that+displays+a+snowflake+made+out+of+triangles
//following is a sample HTML page to use to view this applet
<html><head><title>Koch Snowflake</title></head><body>
Koch Snowflake demo applet<br />
<applet code="KochSnowflake.class" width="500" height="600">You need Java 1.1.</applet>
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.TextField;
* Applet implementation of the Koch snowflake.
* This isn't threaded, so once you start drawing it,
* you have to wait for it to finish drawing to change the settings.
* @version created: 2000.06.05.n1; updated: 2000.06.08.n4
* @author Nathan Bronecke
public class KochSnowflake
extends java.applet.Applet
implements java.awt.event.ActionListener
private final static int DEPTH_DEFAULT = 4;
private final static int DEPTH_MAX = 12; //gets pointless over 8
private final static double cos60 = 0.5; //value of cos(60 degrees)
private final static double sin60 = Math.sqrt(3)*0.5; //value of sin(60 degrees)
private final static double value2root3over3 = Math.sqrt(3)*2/3;
private int curDepth = DEPTH_DEFAULT;
private boolean doLines = true;
private boolean doDots = false;
private boolean doBoundingRect = false;
private final Button bDraw = new Button("Draw");
private final TextField tfIterations = new TextField("" + DEPTH_DEFAULT,3);
private final Checkbox cbLines = new Checkbox("Lines",doLines);
private final Checkbox cbDots = new Checkbox("Dots",doDots);
private final Checkbox cbBoundingRect = new Checkbox("Bounding Rectangle",doBoundingRect);
private boolean infoShown = false;
/** component that displays the snowflake */
private final Panel pGfx = new Panel() {
* @version created: 2000.06.06.n2; updated: 2000.06.06.n2
public void paint(Graphics g) {
drawPicture(g,new Rectangle(this.getSize()));
* @version created: 2000.06.05.n1; updated: 2000.06.07.n3
public void init() {
Panel pControls = new Panel();
pControls.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
pControls.add(new Panel()); //just a spacer
pControls.add(new Label("Iterations"));
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
* Draws one line segment.
* @param depth current recursion depth; when 0, draws a line and just returns
* @version created: 2000.06.06.n2; updated: 2000.06.06.n2
public void drawSegment(Graphics g, Point a, Point b, int depth) {
//done recursion
if(depth==0) {
g.drawLine(a.x,a.y, b.x,b.y);
g.drawOval(a.x,a.y, 1,1);
//compute next line parts
} else {
//compute points
final Point distance = new Point( (b.x-a.x)/3, (b.y-a.y)/3 );
final Point pa = new Point( a.x+distance.x, a.y+distance.y);
final Point pb = new Point( b.x-distance.x, b.y-distance.y);
final Point pTip = new Point(
pa.x + (int)(distance.x*cos60 + distance.y*sin60),
pa.y + (int)(distance.y*cos60 - distance.x*sin60)
//draw line segments
final int newDepth = depth-1;
drawSegment(g, a,pa ,newDepth);
drawSegment(g, pa,pTip ,newDepth);
drawSegment(g, pTip,pb ,newDepth);
drawSegment(g, pb,b ,newDepth);
* Draws a koch snowflake on the given graphics surface within the given bounds
* using settings set by widgets. Note that the settings are only updated when
* the "Draw" button is pressed.
* @version created: 2000.06.06.n2; updated: 2000.06.08.n4
public void drawPicture(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) {
//fill in background
g.fillRect(bounds.x,bounds.y, bounds.width,bounds.height);
//draw box around edge of drawing area
if(false) {
g.drawRect(bounds.x,bounds.y, bounds.width-1,bounds.height-1);
//way too small to show
if( (bounds.width<2) || (bounds.height<2) )
//nothing to show
if(!doLines && !doDots)
//find working width and height
// if we're assuming starting triangle is equilateral (if it isn't
// equilateral, things look ugly), if this is the original shape:
// _______
// \ /
// \ /
// \ /
// ^
// and this is second shape (without the inside lines removed) :
// _
// v |
// __/_\__ |
// \ / | height
// /_\ /_\ |
// \ / |
// ^ -+
// |_________|
// width
// then the width is equal to 2 root 3 over 3, that is,
// (2 times the square root of 3) divided by 3
// (this ratio can be derived using geometry of 30-60-90 triangles)
// Using this, this part determines the maximum height and
// width to use in a given viewing rectangle.
// (this formula stuff by NPB)
final double w,h;
if(bounds.height < (int)(bounds.width * value2root3over3)) {
//height is limiting dimension
h = bounds.height;
w = h / value2root3over3;
} else {
//width is limiting dimension
w = bounds.width;
h = w * value2root3over3;
//determine starting points
// 1 _______ 2
// \ /
// \ /
// \ /
// ^ 3
// horizontal and vertical location is also centered within the given viewing rectangle
final int top = bounds.y + (int)((bounds.height-h)*0.5 + (h*0.25));
final Point p1 = new Point(bounds.x + (int)((bounds.width-w)*0.5), top);
final Point p2 = new Point(bounds.x + (int)((bounds.width+w)*0.5), top);
final Point p3 = new Point(
bounds.x + (bounds.width>>1),
bounds.y + (int)((bounds.height+h)*0.5)
//draw snowflake's bounding box
// the right/bottom edges may be off a little bit, due to rounding and/or
// the way different JVM implementations deal with java.awt.Graphics
if(doBoundingRect) {
//draw recursive line segments
drawSegment(g, p1,p2, curDepth);
drawSegment(g, p2,p3, curDepth);
drawSegment(g, p3,p1, curDepth);
* @version created: 2000.06.06.n2; updated: 2000.06.07.n3
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
java.lang.Object o = ae.getSource();
if(o==bDraw) {
if(!infoShown) {
"\nKochSnowflake source available at\n" +
try {
curDepth = Integer.parseInt(tfIterations.getText());
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
if(curDepth < 0)
curDepth = 0;
else if(curDepth > DEPTH_MAX)
curDepth = DEPTH_MAX;
tfIterations.setText("" + curDepth);
doLines = cbLines.getState();
doDots = cbDots.getState();
doBoundingRect = cbBoundingRect.getState();
drawPicture(pGfx.getGraphics(),new Rectangle(pGfx.getSize()));