Also a bird.

Latin name: Nestor notabilis

The Kea is a medium size parrot indigenous to the south island of New Zealand. It is mainly olive green in colour, but has bright red patches underneath its wings. They are sociable animals and very good fliers. Their common name is derived directly from the noise that they make.
Kea eat mainly vegetation and carrion, but a number of year ago were accused by farmers of eating sheep, as a result of which about 6000 of them were shot. There are reckoned now to be fewer that 5000 of the birds left in the wild, and they are now a protected species.

Kea are highly intelligent birds, and playful in nature. By this, I mean that if you leave any objects such as ruck sacks, bicyles or cars alone in their presence, on return you may well find that they have been opened and pillaged for food, had their tyres punctured or windscreen wipers mangled and chewed (respectively). I believe that if you live in their part of the world, you insurance premium will take account of this fact.

Fun though they may be to watch, it is important not to feed them, as this will upset their diet (especially considering their willingness to accept food, and the willingness of tourists to profer it).

If you live a long way from NZ, you can find kea in the aviary of Leeds Castle in Kent.

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    Kea is quiet and traditional. It's like going to the most remote island in the Aegean, but it's so close to Athens. How can this be? Try going there and you will understand. You can take a flying dolphin from Pireaus but it leaves at 7:30 in the morning. It's smooth sailing until you hit the Cavo d Oro, the most treacherous stretch of water in the Mediterranean, and then you start praying. Hydrfoils are made for lakes and rivers, not rough seas. Alternative? Take the ferry. But it leaves from Lavrion, an hour plus bus ride to a city with 75% unemployment and is best known for being used as a stand-in for war-torn Sarajevo in the film Ulysses Gaze, when it was too dangerous to film there. If you get this far, stay in Voukari.

    The village of Ioulis is a fantastic labyrinth of white cycladic houses perched on the side of a mountain, but there is nowhere to eat, though they have a great cafeneon in the main square (platia). Few connections to the rest of the Cyclades. It can be an interesting trip for those that like to "rough it." (No kinky interpretations please). If you plan it right, you will be there in great weather, and will be able to sleep outdoors, and even on the beach. Waking up with the water laping at your ankles is quite an experience, and you know you're alive after a brisk morning swim. A visit to Kea will offer you the traditional Greek island, largely unaffected by tourism. This is a plus to some, and a deterrent to others. If you are like my friend from Alabama in the bar in Ios, then Kea isn't the island for you.

--back to Greek Islands--
adapted with permission; see main node

Ke"a (ka"&adot;; colloq. ke"&adot;), n. [Maori.] (Zool.)

A large New Zealand parrot (Nestor notabilis), notorious for having acquired the habit of killing sheep; -- called also mountain parrot.


© Webster 1913.

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