Kalinga is a small group of languages spoken by perhaps 80,000 in the
My sister is currently in Mangali,
"three day's hike from the nearest road", learning Madukayang and helping
SIL International (the Ethnologue people) translate the bible into Minangali.
Here is Ethnologue's taxonomy of Kalinga. Number in parentheses are the number of languages below
that heading. The three capital letters together are Ethnologue's three letter language code.
Austronesian (1262)
Malayo-Polynesian (1238)
Western Malayo-Polynesian (531)
Northern Philippine (70)
Northern Luzon (54)
South-Central Cordilleran (30)
Central Cordilleran (22)
Kalinga-Itneg (12)
Kalinga (8)
Upper Tanudan Kalinga KGH
Mabaka Valley Kalinga KKG
Madukayang Kalinga KMD
Limos Kalinga KMK
Lower Tanudan Kalinga KML
Lubuagan Kalinga KNB
Southern Kalinga KSC
Butbut Kalinga KYB
Here's what little information I could scrape up on these languages :