- Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry
- Angry Man is Following Me
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- And yet, when the warm breeze of spring greets my face and the sunlight does not make me shield my eyes, I know I am not alone.
- My Daddy used to make me run in rain like this
- I would like for you to make your arms for me the way you make your bed for you
- You have the right to be angry at me for breaking my heart.
- Don’t worry, this is only a costume that makes me look like an adult
- I used to like it, but it makes me sick to the stomach
- does this writeup make me seem like an asshole?
- He makes me feel alone just by being there
- i like the treetops, cause they're reaching just like me
- Hurt me, use me, make me write bad checks
- The world's geek population makes me weep with despair and frustration
- You'd better quit sticking your thumbs in your belt loops like that. You're giving me bad ideas.
- This place makes me embarrassed about my spelling, not my sexual deviations
- I've got $1.19 in change, and it's impossible for me to make change for a dollar
- Two condoms, she makes me wear
- My neighbours are going to make me into a creepy voyeur
- Does not make me rush, does not make me wait
- Projects that use C techniques and call it C++ make me ill
- my insides are like lava. let me warm you. I will envelope all of you
- doesn't look like anything to me
- and i'm shaking like a leaf, and they call me under
- Death makes me tired
- Getting my blood drawn makes me cry
- That which does not kill me, makes me stronger
- She is lobbing rainbows at me from across the room and I am swallowing them like fear.
- Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
- The smell of his cologne still makes me cry
- Make me one of you
- Don't Make Me Think
- The Extroverted Feeler makes me yell at my residency director
- You can't rant when you're not angry
- I want the stars so bright they make me breathless
- Make Me Mommy
- I really miss the woman who told me that people don't like me
- treat me like your sex doll
- Sex and death have both spat me out like spoiled milk for the same reason. I was not afraid.
- Does this strategically placed leaf make me look fat?
- the space was filled with love like light and that made me shine as well
- Make me one with everything
- Your God does not make me want to reconsider my thoughts about suicide
- Growing older makes me depressed
- The people who matter most to me are the ones who make me laugh
- Eating in the morning makes me sick
- The four-eyed girl could make me cry
- You couldn't make me give it up to cheapening words for all the empathy and adulation in the world
- I Can't Make You Love Me
- Don't make me come to Vegas
- The music that makes me think of New York
- Home Recording on a Budget: Make Me Scream
- I want to be alone until God rips a rib out of my chest and makes me a woman
- Things that make me feel feminine
- your poetry inspired me to make this really practical item
- That which doesn't kill me makes me breakfast
- And it makes me wonder
- Lord, you know it makes me high,
- I'm waiting for what will make me stand still the rest of my life
- This makes me ache. I have holes of aching.
- That witch does not kill me, makes me stronger
- Creeps Like Me
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little auditor, a sexy little auditor!
- Also, when I am angry, my eyes flash fire, whether I growl or not.
- I'm happy but you don't like me
- "You've never danced with anyone like me before," the angel and the devil said to one another.
- He Never Told Me My Eyes Were Like Diamonds
- speak to me, long-dead sage; tell me what your afternoons were like
- Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone
- Who the heck wants to look like an old lady? Pick me, pick me!
- It makes lots of sense to me. Unfortunately, that's what hurts the most.
- Don't make me get my shoe!
- My parents conspire to make me a porn star
- makes me want to be a better hacker
- simple answers make me insane
- She told me I'd make a good Satan
- That one makes me scream, she said
- It's all a blank, which makes me think something far far worse has actually happened
- Bush and Gore Make Me Wanna Ralph
- I feel disillusionment creeping up on me like the day after a 21st birthday. A deep sigh of shallow disappointment.
- sometimes it feels like the world is trying to tell me to wake up
- Make me care
- You walk through my walls like a ghost on tv. You penetrate me.
- Makes Me Wanna Holler
- 1,340,666 women just like me
- eyed me like a female mantis
- I could use a muse like you to amuse me
- this writeup made me hungry like DAMN so I'm chinging it!
- violence comes to me like a second nature
- Gosh! That single kiss made me feel like I'm charged up with the power of a million exploding suns!
- Somebody Up There Likes Me
- His name came up like a match on wooden me
- The sheer fact that I'm in a developing country should make me a better person, yes?
- Women only like me for my mind
- unfinished (like me)
- I remember books being like air and food and water to me
- Tell me what you don't like about yourself.
- I may be cold and calculating, but that doesn't make me a computer
- Fuck Me Like You Mean It
- Make Me Bad
- like you love me
- It is safe to say that I'm going to get my payback if he is anything like me.
- graveyards make me wet
- "Too long ago" makes no sense to me.
- Your tears make me smile
- you can only make me dizzy if you're spinning me in leaves or snowflakes
- All my friends are nonconformists. They all dress like me.
- Recipe for Tomato Soup, unless you're like me, in which case it's a recipe for tomato stew
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- You like me in all the wrong rooms
- treat me like a woman
- My Company Likes Me
- She hit me like thunder, and I had to lie down until I could breathe again
- Broken like me
- Nothing fills me with dread quite like a mushroom
- Why is everybody exactly like me?
- Hold Me Like You Need Somebody
- You like me, you really like me!
- Black Like Me
- want me like time
- Do you like me?
- Walk Like Me
- I don't like her because she won't like me
- I like you. Now let me tell you all my flaws.
- Boy meets me, boy becomes infatuated with me, boy realizes I take up space, boy runs like hell
- I would love for you to come to me with Christmas lights around your head, late night like a ghost
- I like you; do you like me?
- My Snuffleupagus smells like CK One. This does not disturb me.
- Someone takes care of me and I squirm like I'm caught in a lie
- I'd like to thank God for allowing me
- I like the city, but the city doesn't like me
- A Doll Like Me
- Fuck me like you fucked that horse
- You like hanging out with me. Dontcha?
- What makes me beautiful
- Look siad me Be like me
- Our obsessions almost killed me, but now here we are, talking like normal human beings
- you make me think of death
- Does this dress make me look fat?
- He brings me books like flowers
- I would like for love not to kill me, please
- My SUV makes me feel important!
- Will Ya Ride Me Like A Monkey Missus? : An Anglo-Irish E2 Get-Together
- I'm so shallow, a new t-shirt makes me happy
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me!
- You're like a brother to me
- MTV Makes Me Wanna Smoke Crack
- Does this singularity make me look fat?
- She told me I looked like a Henry, and this is how she would know me
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter!
- Republican Like Me
- Your website makes me want to remove my brain with a rusty spoon
- Tell me what God is like, cause I'm starting to forget
- There are a million girls like me out there
- Loves me like a bottle
- I'm gonna be sad and then I want you to make me laugh
- Talk to me like the rain and let me listen
- Been Brown So Long, It Looked Like Green to Me: The Politics of Nature
- Dead Like Me
- Looking like a pirate is fun but only having one eye annoys me
- make me hurt you
- Cheap brandy makes me love you and vomit
- You meant for this node to be read by me, and I would like to respond
- Places a local (like me) would take you to in New Orleans
- Bleed Like Me
- Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go eat worms
- math makes me smile
- I was raised on red pepper and blood. I am so hot if you strike me I will light like a match.
- Let me tell you what a splash of cold water feels like
- the sky above me like a full recovery
- I will wait until your quiet makes me remember I am waiting.
- Smells Like al-Qaqaa
- She who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.
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