An animated series spearheaded by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, BTAS premiered in 1992. Decidedly more intelligent than the Adam West live-action series of the 60s and owing much to Tim Burton's movies Batman and Batman Returns, the show ran on Fox beginning in 1992. At this writing it airs on Cartoon Network at 6:00 p.m. EST. Episodes also run along with The New Batman Adventures and Superman: The Animated Series on Kids' WB!'s The New Batman/Superman Adventures.
Kevin Conroy was the voice of Batman, Mark Hamill recurred as The Joker, and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. played Alfred the butler.
The official website is at -- featuring an amazingly cheesy MIDI of the theme song playing in the background.
There is also a highly-recommended trade paperback, Batman Animated, which is a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show. It's worth the price of admission for the creepy disembodied Tim Drake head alone.