
Australia is often considered to have very strict censorship, but this has changed recently, and most films previously banned are now available in their uncut form. Nowadays, only films which promote rape or paedophilia are likely to be banned, and in practice even these get a short run before they are banned.

Other films reportedly banned in Australia, but of unclear date:


Censorship in Canada operates on a variety of levels - films deemed pornographic can be banned from import, cites may decide to ban a specific film within their jurisdiction, and criminal charges can be brought against films. Most provinces have their own censorship or classification boards, and have almost unchallenged control over the release of films. Note - Films on this list are not necessarily banned throughout Canada, and many can be shown in not-for-profit situations. In Ontario some banned films can even be shown on television, which is subject to different regulations. (Thanks Timeshredder)


China does not have a film classification system, and instead its approach is to cut and edit films, making them acceptable to the Communist regime. However, a large black market makes it easy to get most films on DVD.


Germany operates a voluntary classification system, the FSK, which classifies films, and can leave a film unrated. Films which are unrated by the FSK, either through non-submission or by being deemed too extreme, can still be sold on video, but some films are banned from having any advertising.


The Indian Film Censor Board classifies films, and all films shown at cinemas must be passed by the board.


The Irish Film Censor's Office rates films, however films that have not been given a rating are not automatically banned, and some have been shown at film festivals.

To keep in line with the UK, the Irish Censor's also banned the same material passed by the BBFC.


Although Italy's "Censorship Committee" previously banned many movies under the fascist regime and the subsequent Christian-Democratic party, including Last Tango in Paris, Salo and 120 Days of Sodoma, its power has been reduced significantly recently, and in no longer has the authority to ban films. Films can now only be banned in Italy if the police prove that somebody was purposely killed during the making (i.e. a "Snuff" film), or if a citizen files a lawsuit against the film-maker, which can only be done on the grounds that a film damages you, your family, or your interests. The God's Bankers was banned through this system by the family of Roberto Calvi, the banker who's activities and death are explored in the film.


Kuwait has very strict censorship, and is likey to cut or ban any film that contains sexual themes. Many films are banned without much fanfare, a notable exception being Fahrenheit 9/11, which prompted a government statement. However, like many countries with strict censorship, there is a large black market for DVDs where many banned films will be found.


Malaysia has some of the strictest censorship in the world, and often edits large parts of films that are deemed too violent, have sexual content, or touch on sensitive religious topics. Scenes of kissing are often removed from films, and swearing is usually removed. The films that are officially banned include:

New Zealand

The Office of Film and Literature Classification has the power to classify a film as unrestricted, restricted, or objectionable (banned). Some films are banned on video, but allowed to be shown in cinemas and at film festivals, e.g. Irréversible


The import of films produced in India is banned in Pakistan, effectively removing them from cinemas, but there is a large black market in the country, so many films are available on DVD, if not legally.


The Ministry for Culture rates films and video releases through the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts. Some of the autonomous communities have their own systems.


Each of the cantons of Switzerland implements its own film ratings, and films are rarely banned from screening or cut.

United Kingdom

The BBFC is an independent body which has classified films released in the UK since its formation in 1912, and videos since 1984. However the final say remains with local councils, which can pass films that have been rejected, or implement their own cuts. In practice though, this does not happen, and is unlikely ever to. The ratings for videos, however, are legally binding.

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