Born in 1720:
Died in 1720:
Events of 1720:
Coffee houses in Italy introduce the latest craze from the New World,
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit introduces his temperature
Russian trade treaty with China
European books allowed into Japan by shogun Yoshimune.
Plague kills 50,000 in Marseilles.
Well-to-do Englishmen begin decorating their walls with wallpaper.
The British Parliament passes the Declaratory
Act giving itself the right to legislate for Ireland.
Sweden and Denmark sign a peace treaty ending their part of the Great
Northern War. Sweden, once the Superpower of Eastern Europe,
is back down on a par with Denmark.
British authorities in Bombay expel all Franciscan missionaries
from the island, over fears that they were secretly working to restore
Portugese rule. Carmelites immediately take their place.
Chinese Emperor Qang Xi drives the Zungars out of Tibet and installs
the pro-Chinese Dalai Lama in their place.
Treaty of the Hague
ending its war with the Quadruple Alliance of Great Britain, France,
Holland and Austria.
Spanish king Philip V agrees that his son Charles will give
up any claim to the throne of Italy, although he will inherit Parma,
Piacenza, and Tuscany from his maternal grandfather.
Austrian emperor Charles VI gives up his claim to Spain.
Duke Victor Amadeus of Savoy agrees to let Austria keep Sicily; he is
given Sardinia in exchange and he now styles himself "King of Sardinia".
The South Sea Bubble is the first major stock market collapse.
(February) With stock at £175 per 100 shares, and a monopoly on trade
with the South Sea, people imagining piles of gold in Chile and Peru begin
speculating on the stock of the as-yet unprofitable British South Sea
(April) The BSSC buys the entire public debt of Great Britain, after many
influential people are bribed with stock, whose price has been increasing
since January.
(June) To prevent low-quality stock scams, Parliament passes the Bubble
Act requiring all publicly traded companies to have a royal charter.
High-quality scams such as the BSSC are unaffected; the price of a share
has reached £1000. However, people begin to stop believing
in fairies, and start selling.
(August) Margin calls result in an unprecedented number of bankruptcies.
(September) BSSC's stock is now £135.
1719 - 1720 - 1721
How they Were Made - 18th Century