Welcome to the Cool Archive page -- where you can see the entirelibrary of especially worthwhile content in the mess of Everything history. Enjoy.(feed)
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Writeup | Written by | Cooled By |
retirement (essay) | iceowl | oakling |
Duolingo (thing) | passalidae | oakling |
Ghostbusters (review) | Jet-Poop | oakling |
The Ten Commandments for C Programmers (idea) | WWWWolf | oakling |
Eleven sentences about boiled tongue (personal) | moeyz | oakling |
Almost entirely innocuous chocolate meringue cookies (recipe) | everyone | oakling |
Maldon salt (thing) | everyone | oakling |
October 23, 2013 (log) | mauler | oakling |
dannye (person) | dannye | oakling |
Glioblastoma (thing) | dannye | oakling |
September 14, 2013 (opinion) | JD | oakling |
Boots that will induce a mindfuck (fiction) | Jet-Poop | oakling |
bobby pin (thing) | Tem42 | oakling |
Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You? (review) | Jet-Poop | oakling |
I don't remember what life was like when I was seven. I like the taste of air. What should I do? (idea) | tandex | oakling |
May 27, 2013 (opinion) | Lucy-S | oakling |
The Bible and same-sex marriage (idea) | haze | oakling |
A Simple Method for Enchanting a Magic Whistle (how-to) | Jet-Poop | oakling |
Ouroboros (personal) | invicta | oakling |
resentment (personal) | thalio | oakling |
INMEDIARES: a Quest in the middle of things (thing) | decoy hunches | oakling |
Alongst (definition) | Webster 1913 | oakling |
State of the Site: 2013 (log) | jaybonci | oakling |
February 24, 2013 (log) | The Custodian | oakling |
February 21, 2013 (log) | Jet-Poop | oakling |
dress boots (idea) | jessicaj | oakling |
hope eraser (thing) | jessicaj | oakling |
A BUSINESS PROPOSITION QUEST 2012 (event) | haqiqat | oakling |
Investing in Uncle Sam (idea) | iamkaym | oakling |
Sandra will do as Sandra always does, that is, whatever she wants (fiction) | Zephronias | oakling |
By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear (personal) | Glowing Fish | oakling |
Up My Street (A Quest for Local Knowledge) (thing) | wertperch | oakling |
monkey picked tea (thing) | wertperch | oakling |
bean hole (thing) | The Custodian | oakling |
January 22, 2006 (place) | iceowl | oakling |
Food writing (essay) | vilgessuola | oakling |
Chocolate (idea) | Lometa | oakling |
Tomato Soup Cake With Cream Cheese Icing (recipe) | moeyz | oakling |
September 10, 2001 (thing) | Inky | oakling |
My Snuffleupagus smells like CK One. This does not disturb me. (person) | junkpile | oakling |
August 21, 2012 (personal) | wertperch | oakling |
July 27, 2012 (personal) | wertperch | oakling |
July 14, 2012 (log) | jessicaj | oakling |
The hardest loss of breast cancer (personal) | grundoon | oakling |
What Doesn't Kill You, uh ... (essay) | ReadingInWC | oakling |
Lithia water (idea) | zgirll | oakling |
Fleshlight (thing) | wertperch | oakling |
Writing a poll (essay) | sam512 | oakling |
May 1, 2012 (thing) | wertperch | oakling |
Ryan Leaf (person) | borgo | oakling |
grundoon's memorial biography (thing) | wertperch | oakling |
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