hopefu;;y this will w0rk.... attempting )sd%klj`;s
time transmission....
thIS is it, upped the
signal, should stAbalise things for a few minUTes.... en`ough to send this `` message, even if`` it drAWs theIR
attention.... it is now ju$t before
midnight, October 31, 2010.... but I've been able to @zvio//puzvu
adjustment asjdiouew( tiME freqU3ncy, to send this message
backwards in time -- with any ` luck I'll
max bandwidth and it'll post `` full five days ` into the paSt, somet`ime on tHE 26th....
No time for long explanations.... listen!! They come from three direc`tions at once, down from the night sky, up from the ground, in from the sea.... fd*7fSoP `` *i$rr beEN hIDing for five days, just started pouring in right, after ` sunset today!! lost coMMunication with the re$t of the world but ` seems t0 be happening everywhere.... can't `` describe them.... horrid, constant ` shifting,
razor mandibles and hooked
tentacles materialise out of the
ether, no
solid form, all
blue-greens and a sickly
grey.... some no bigger than a
man.... can't ever quite see them until you're dead....
blood everywhere; ours and theirs, their blood, black, bubbling, but they
just kept coming!! Frqj;(3hmp sl;cED right in half, sti11 coming.... If I 'succeed in sending this `'
message in`to the
pa$t, `` might still hav3
find tHE rift and seal it by midnight on the 26th, before they
mass in
secret for
attack!! but if not, you've
got t0 surVIve
this night, or makind is l0ST!!
Stay away from the ground....
midd1e f1oors in ta11 buildings (at least 20 flccrs) are the
only saFE place.... top f1oors
no good-- the winged ones come from the
Get to a, a
stockroom, a back office,
no windows, someplace you can
barricade, with
food &
water &
ammo & especially ^hrs(foj(_ `
not come out no matter what you hear -- they'll call to you, it will be hypnotic, some can't resist, but they can
mimic our
voices, mess with our perceptions. But they seem to have a vulnerability, there is a
key fwemn&^^s..p_
they're here, brea`king throuGH tHE
can't stop them USE THE KEY SAVE YOURSELVES, whatever you can do, save yourselves!! Must.... submit.... node!!
For Ten Years of Terror: The 2010 Halloween Horrorquest