I found alot of methods of playing Rock, Paper, Scissors around Everything2 and elsewhere, so I've decided to compile as many as I can into one semi-meta-node.

Kinds of Variations

There are four main types of Variations that you can use on Rock, Paper, Scissors. The most common simply changes the name. You can also add new components (such as Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard). The third type changes the rules fundamentally (such as Ultimate Japanese Rock Paper Scissors), or introduces some new idea (strip rock paper scissors)

Component modifications

  • Rock Paper Scissors : The Classic. Scissors beat Paper. Paper Beats Rock. Rock beats Scissors.
  • Rock Paper Scissors Dynamite: A fairly cheesy way of playing(IMHO)... Dynamite beats both Rock and Paper, but Scissors will beat Dynamite. Optionally, only some players can throw Dynamite (Fist with thumb pointing up as a wick), such as in RPGs, where only High-levelers get to. Another way of playing is that in multiple-game matches (or the other way around), if someone beats dynamite they get 3 points.
  • Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard:A way of making life complicated. Scissors Beats Paper Beats Rock Beats Lizard Beats Spock Beats Scissors Beats Lizard Beats Paper Beats Spock Beats Rock Beats Scissors.
  • Rock Paper Scissors Well Dynamite Time: An interesting method. Rock Paper and Scissors are normal. The other three are "special". Well beats Rock and Scissors(they sink) but Paper clogs it. Dynamite blows up Rock and Paper, but Scissors cut the wick. Time rots paper and rusts scissors, but rocks hold out. Optionally, defeating the "specials" gives more "points" than defeating a "normal".


Unless otherwise noted, object 1 beats object 2 beats object 3 beats object 1

  • Chainsaw, Bridge, Water: The Chainsaw cuts the bridge, the bridge goes over the water, the water rusts the chainsaw.
  • Pikeman, Knight, Archer: Age of Empires inspired.
  • Dragon, Princess, Knight: Faerie tale based. The Dragon eats the princess, who gets the Knight to fall in love with her. The Knight kills the Dragon.

Gameplay Modifications

  • Strip Paper Rock Scissors: Like Strip Poker... Every time you lose, you remove some piece of clothing.
  • Ultimate Japanese Rock Paper Scissors:Hard to explain. You use different words, (see the linked node), but after the initial part, the winner points in some direction (Up, Down, Left, Right) and the loser moves their head in some direction. If the loser gets it right, it's a tie. If the loser guesses wrong, then it goes back to the first part
  • Invent your own Object Rock Paper Scissors: Rock Paper scissors except you have the option (sometimes you don't have the option, you have to) of inventing something new. For instance, Atom Bomb, Computer Virus, Phaser, Machine Gun. You also need a good way to represent that with hand signals.
  • Best of Three:The person that wins the majority of the games wins.
  • First to Three:First person to win the stated number of games wins.

If anyone can think of anything I should add, please /msg me.