user since
Sun Dec 22 2002 at 05:44:57 (22.3 years ago )
last seen
Mon Feb 18 2019 at 22:40:14 (6.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
19 - View ttflyer's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 251
mission drive within everything
understanding everything ...something ...okay, anything
living an interesting life
TAMU '74 / Adaptis Inc
no good deed goes unpunished
most recent writeup
April 17, 2003
Send private message to ttflyer


and other personal stuff

I find myself in my second half century, with hardly a smudge on my "fifteen minutes of fame" In fact, from time to time a discussion arises about selling my unused fifteen minutes on eBay to realize some sort of ...fame. I have been a common laborer (loaded watermelons, shuffled bricks, pulled wire), a radio announcer, a household goods shipping dispatcher, an automotive parts manager, a restroom sanitation salesman

My current career in the software industry is still being defined; I'm a Test Analyst.

"I'm Going To Help You, No Matter How Much It Hurts"
Writing? I've been doing it most of my life and have quite a collection of journals, poetry, short stories, correspondence and opinions.



Who are you? :: who? who? who? who? I really wanta know!

AOL IM: ttf3289
ICQ UIN: 7194769
Yahoo!ID: ttf3289
MSN Username: swansgrove
Email: the_cave @
Snailmail: just ask
Phone Number: just ask
What does "ttf3289" mean? :: "ttf" is anagrammed from the Stephen Stills song, "Treetop Flyer" + "3289" was a lab number in building 27 on the Redmond campus = ttf3289

How do you pronounce "ttf3289"? :: "bŏb"

When? :: sooner or later

Where is the cave? :: the cave is located @ swans' grove @ eastbridge

see also,
Why did you change your name to "ttflyer"? :: shorter, more speakable, user friendly

e2 questions

Who are your fellow noders? :: a listing of other noders concurrently connected to e2 with you is located on the right hand side of the standard e2 page -------->>
Those whom I especially appreciate are listed below...

e2 stats

22 December 2002 :: discovered and joined e2
22 December 2002 :: first node submission
25 December 2002 :: first node sent to node heaven

** 25 December 2002 :: first node sent to node heaven twice **

28 December 2002 :: first node submission sent to node heaven
30 December 2002 :: first C!
01 January 2003 :: first listing in the Everything Daily Report
01 January 2003 :: first 2C!
02 January 2003 :: first 3C! (actually the fourth, but that is another story)

Node Statistics

Nodes:   19      XP:       120     Cools:      13
Max Rep: 47      Min Rep:  -7      Total Rep:  238
Node-Fu: 6.3158  WNF:      20.3684 Cool Ratio: 68.42105%
Merit:   12.1842 Devotion: 231.5   Mean:       12.5263
idea: 63.1579%  person: 10.5263%  place: 5.2632%  thing: 21.0526%

Non-C!ed Nodes with the Highest Reputation
February 11, 2003
Subconscious mind and self hypnosis
January 24, 2003
Late Lament
Sara Botsford
Auto racing

Nodes with the Highest Reputation
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
February 6, 2003 1C!
February 13, 2003 1C!
February 11, 2003
March 27, 2003 1C!

Nodes with the Lowest Reputation
Infinity is not a number
April 11, 2003
1C! Politics - a fable
Auto racing

Cooled Nodes with the Highest Reputation
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
February 6, 2003 1C!
February 13, 2003 1C!
March 27, 2003 1C!
Made-for-TV movie 1C!

Cooled Nodes with the Lowest Reputation
1C! Politics - a fable
1C! Rockdale, Texas
1C! Jim Hall
2C! Precocious potato prestidigitation
1C! Wolf Brand Chili
1C! Made-for-TV movie
1C! March 27, 2003

Nodes with the Highest Upvote Ratio
Made-for-TV movie 1C!
Rockdale, Texas 1C!
Jim Hall 1C!
Late Lament
Sara Botsford
Auto racing
Wolf Brand Chili 1C!
Precocious potato prestidigitation 2C!
Subconscious mind and self hypnosis
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
February 6, 2003 1C!

Nodes with the Highest Downvote Ratio
Infinity is not a number
April 11, 2003
1C! Politics - a fable
1C! March 27, 2003

Nodes with the Most Number of Votes
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
March 27, 2003 1C!
February 13, 2003 1C!
February 6, 2003 1C!
February 11, 2003
January 24, 2003

Nodes with the Least Number of Votes
Auto racing
Late Lament
Sara Botsford
1C! Politics - a fable
1C! Rockdale, Texas
1C! Jim Hall

Nodes with the Most Upvotes
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
March 27, 2003 1C!
February 13, 2003 1C!
February 6, 2003 1C!
February 11, 2003

Nodes with the Most Downvotes
1C! March 27, 2003
Infinity is not a number
1C! February 13, 2003
April 11, 2003
3C! Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch

Nodes with the Most Cools
Red silk panties, with a zipper in the crotch 3C!
Precocious potato prestidigitation 2C!
February 6, 2003 1C!
February 13, 2003 1C!
March 27, 2003 1C!
Made-for-TV movie 1C!
Wolf Brand Chili 1C!
Rockdale, Texas 1C!
Jim Hall 1C!
Politics - a fable 1C!

These lists were generated by in10se's E2 Link and Logger Client at 4/11/2003 10:13:49 PM


two lines will do
no need to lie
just say when born
and tell when died

the bottom line ^ see above

fellow noders
of note

/me, Cool Man Eddie, ideath, Transitional Man, ConfusionTheWaitress, nine9, Templeton, tandex, futurebird, pylon, drownzsurf, agazade, Yonder, RubenAzarja, wertperch Jet-Poop ailie Igloowhite Eos wonko

e2 reference
and tools

The Everything People Registry
The Everything People Registry : United States
The Everything People Registry : United States : Texas
The Everything People Registry : United States : Washington
Everything User Search

Wharfinger's Linebreaker
What to do if you've got too many votes on your hands
The Everything2 Automatic Softlinker for Windows
E2 Offline Scratchpad
E2 Link and Logger Client
Honor Roll and you

philosophy mirror

history / genealogy

just stuff
