I sat in line at the Shell off Avery, waiting to get gas. The station was packed, and we were already running late for Los Angeles. A spot opened up in front of me, and I reached down to shift into gear right as a black Infiniti darted in ahead of me and snaked my spot.

"Did you just see that?" I asked the two girls in the car with me.


"That motherfucker just punked my spot."

I grabbed my Maglight and started to get out, and then realized that this gas station has a lot of cameras and usually has a lot of police nearby. I did the smart thing and left the Maglight on my seat.

I strode up to the guy's window and glared at him. He got out, and walked right up to my face, staring me down.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, asshole?" I asked. "That's my spot."

"Is there a problem here?" he asked me. He was easily twice my size.

"Yeah, I think there is. You're not fucking punking my spot, so get the hell out of my way."

"Fuck you, is there a problem here?"

My fingers flirted with the knife in my pocket, and then pulled away, realizing that this wasn't worth it.

"Yeah, there is. Get the fuck out of my way."

"Get back in your car, it's my spot!"

We went on like this for another 5 minutes, until I happened to glance right and notice that his car was parked on the wrong side of the gas pump.

"Okay," I said, and I walked back to my car to watch events unfold.

He glared at me for a second more, grabbed the gas nozzle, and then realized with dismay that his car was parked on the wrong side of the pump. Unfortunately for him, he was boxed in by my car not two feet behind him, and another car right in front of him. He made a twelve point turn to get out of the space, and just as he managed to exit, a silver Nissan swooped in and took his spot. He once again stepped out of his car, yelled at the Nissan, who eventually acquiesced, and then maneuvered his car back into the spot. By this time, I'd already started filling up my tank at another pump, and was watching with amusement. He refused to make eye contact with me, realizing that he had just made an ass of himself. As I reattached my gas cap, I shouted out the window to him, "That's karma, asshole."