...against a woman? Stephen Donaldson reported in a May 1995
USA Today newspaper article that 300,000
males are raped each year in prison. He goes on to say that
"This compares with a 1992 BJS estimate, based on a (still underreporting) annual household victimization survey, of 135,000 female rapes a year outside confinement."
While this is sick, what saddens me even more is that the rape of young boys is publicly defended by groups like NAMBLA, who state in their statement of purpose at http://qpd.tcp.com/qrd/orgs/NAMBLA/statement.of.purpose that "The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) supports the rights of all people to engage in consensual relations, and we oppose laws which destroy loving relationships merely on the basis of the age of the participants." I listened to a NAMBLA spokeperson on a radio talk-show, and he refused to say how young is too young for a child to consent to sexual intercourse. The host pressed. "Twelve? Ten? Is someone who is eight years old able to really consent?" The NAMBLA person would not answer the question but reaffirmed their position that it must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Read: maybe sometimes it is okay for an eight-year-old boy to have sex with an adult man. Excuse me while I go vomit.
No, I'm not forgetting priests, ministers, and other clergy who abuse their postition of trust. They deserve to have a millstone put around their neck as well.
I do not think the topic title is fair, because it seems to imply that the problem of women rapists even begins to compare with the problem of male rapists. The problem is not even of the same magnitude. Men are much worse. In ways and numbers that are not publicized.
Since I am already pontificating, I will echo my mom's sentiment that men who rape should be strung up by their testicles.
No, not all men are evil. But is seems that there are males who are all evil.