a year ago today, my ex-boyfriend was killed. by a drunk driver, shockingly enough.

so i am home, safe inside, drinking champagne, thinking about how fucking lucky i am. and i don't need anything right now. tonight, i'm just happy i'm alive. i made it this long, and, moreover, things are good. i'm not failing out of school, i'm not pregnant, i'm not sick or psychologically fucked up. i'm sitting here in a warm house, in front of a nice computer, with friends close by. i feel peaceful. mwah.

i will stop trying to be less than i am.
i will find a way to be young without being excessively stupid.
i will drink a lot and smoke a lot and eat food that tastes good, no matter how bad for me it is, and have great sex and make stupid art and watch clouds go by when i need to because immortality and survival of the fittest are pointless if you're not enjoying yourself.
i will try and be nice.

the end.