I just got the Special Edition DVD of Unbreakable. Let me tell you, it is well worth the money. The first disc contains the movie, (just like you saw it in the theater). But there is still a second disc. The second disc contains more than just your average deleted scenes. You also get all kinds of other material. Such as a multi-angle version of the Train Station sequence, a feature on comic books, some bits and pieces of the directors first work, and more.

Some deleted scenes of consequence include one where Bruce Willis talks to a Catholic Priest about the accident. Another deleted scene shows Elijah at 7 years old, he gets on a carnival ride, (the kind that spins around really fast), of course you know how that is going to end up. (I had trouble watching that scene because I knew what is going to happen, but I couldn't stand to see it). In another cut scene Bruce Willis sneaks into the weight room at the University that he works at. He procedes to put 540 lbs on the bar, (then he lifts it 3 times). When he looks up, everyone in the room is staring at him in awe. The final scene worth mentioning that was deleted was a scene with Bruce Willis and his wife. They bump into a friend of hers, the friend mistakes Willis for some other man that his wife was interested in.

Since I now own both The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, I am toying around with the idea of editing them together, (they have such a similar feel). The main problem is Bruce Willis is not bald in both movies. But I have a feeling I could come up with something interesting.

So if you liked Unbreakable, you are going to want the DVD also. My only problem with the DVD release is that there is no option to watch the movie with the cut scenes put back in. (That seems to be my problem with most DVDs though.