Weroland has led me to do some reflection on the word 'cloak'. I am here to propose alternative spellings to this word. You see, 'cloak' has a very austere woodland almost-pastoral feel to it. It makes me think of mice, minks, weasels, rabbits, and hunting. I propose the following spelling: cloke. Cloke has a very urban and familiar feel to it. It elicits thoughts of coca-cola, the staple of any enlightened American. Cloak is abstract and vast, cloke is tangible and can fit in the palm of your hand.

Additionally, you could use the spelling 'cloek'. I would consider this to be an esoteric and chaotic use of the word. It makes me think of Hades, witchcraft, astrology, and black cats. It's similar to spelling magic as 'magick'.

If you are a lover of linguistics, consider clōk, the macron indiciating the long vowel really represents a true love for other cultures and the classics.

  • Cloak -- austere, woodland, pastoral
  • Cloke -- urban, familiar, tangible
  • Cloek -- esoteric, witchy, pantheistic
  • Clōk -- love of linguistics, other cultures

Feel free to message me with thoughts and suggestions and I will update this writeup accordingly.

Brevity Quest 2024