My name is François Parmentier, and I am a French computer science doctor.
My home page (http://francois.parmentier.free.fr/) talks about me, my family, but also my PhD thesis (on Artificial Intelligence and Document Analysis, with the BAsCET architecture), my chatter bot Achille (http://francois.parmentier.free.fr/irc/achille_e.html), and its "son": ECTOR (http://francois.parmentier.free.fr/ector/). I have a blog: http://hachis.viabloga.com (in French).
I like playing games (Heroes 3, T4C, Summoner, Civilization, ...), singing, reading comics and programming...
Among the comics I like: Aquablue, Lanfeust de Troy, Gorn, Thorgal, ...
According to Your True Jedi Name, my Jedi name is: Frpar Hamet, Reide of Insu.
According to The Node Code, here is mine:
-----BEGIN NODE CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.1.2 NC/NF l xp+ n C(-) H+ c e+ # d- D- p g- N ------END NODE CODE BLOCK------
As the writer is French, his English is not perfect. All remarks are accepted (Message Inbox).