Now that a high fat and low carbohydrate diet, such as the Atkins Diet, is thought to be beneficial to health, perhaps this is a recipe whose time has come. This is the sort of entree that makes cardiologists either nervous or elated, depending on their ethics. My grandmother used to make this for dinner about once a week when I was growing up. Frankly, it's a miracle that I've lived this long having eaten this stuff for decades. One tip: this is best made with meat you grind yourself. The stuff you get at the grocery store tends to be too mushy, IMO. A coarser texture gives the best results since the eggs will help keep the loaf together.

1 pound, ground ham
1.5 pounds, ground pork steak or tenderloin
1/2 pound, ground lean beef (any cut)
2 cups, milk
2 large eggs, beaten
2 cups, bread crumbs
1 tablespoon, Worcestershire sauce
salt to taste

brown sugar
prepared mustard

Knead all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl and mold into 20 - 25 individual loaves. Ouroboros suggested using muffin tins. That would work, too, but however you form them, place the mixture on aluminum foil, or as my granny calls it "tin foil," when you bake it so that cleanup is easier. Spread a paste made from equal parts brown sugar and prepared mustard atop each loaf. Bake loaves for one hour, uncovered, in a 350° oven.

These seem to freeze well whether baked or raw.