is a website launched circa 2000/2001 by the doctors Bill, sons Jim and Bob and wife Martha Sears (an RN, LLLL,IBCLC).

There was much distress at the launching of the website in the breastfeeding support community as formula advertising was initially used in the banner ads.

After much discussion (online, at conferences, via email, snail mail and I suspect in person) these ads were removed. Dr. William Sears is highly respected in the world of breastfeeding advocacy and there was a lot of disappointment at his seeming capitulation to the world of formula advertising. The main explanation given by the Sears for this seeming inconsistency was that they wanted their attachment parenting message to reach all parents, including those who bottle feed.

The site is now an excellent resource for both breast and bottle feeding parents who are interested in attachment parenting but is free of advertisements for formula.