Monday, 7 am: Wake up.

7:15: Pull out the spreadsheet you prepared containing all the classes you want to take. Relax. Get tired of relaxing. Double check the spreadsheet. Reflect on what a great schedule you’re gunna have. Think about how great it’s going to be to not have any night classes, be able to sleep until 11 every day, and not have any class Friday. Only 45 more minutes until registration opens.

8 am: Finally, the time has arrived. Try to log in. Server Busy. Operation timed out. The system is down. Curse to yourself. Call to wake up all your friends. Remember that they are all going through the same crap as you. Yell with your friends about how much your school sucks.

8:30: Finally get into the system. All the 11am’s are full. Try to convince yourself that 9am classes aren’t so bad.

8:45: Discover that the one class you really need to take isn’t being offered at all. Call your advisor, make an appointment for next Monday at 8am.

9 am: Kiss your dreams of permanent three day weekends goodbye as you sign up for a class from 6-9pm Friday night.

Tuesday, 10 am: Get e-mail that one of the sections you signed up for was cancelled.

10:05: Log in and discover that you must re-do your entire schedule and that all the sections you need to be in are full.

10:30: Call your advisor. He reminds you of your appointment the following Monday. Resist the urge to curse at him.

Wednesday, 10am: Get another e-mail. They un-cancelled the section they had cancelled the previous day. Curse really loud.

10:30: Try to get back into your original sections. They are all full. Resign yourself to having night class three days a week and having class at 9 am the other two days.

Monday, 8 am: Meet with your advisor. He tells you that he can’t override the system and that your schedule is “fine the way it is”. When informed about the mandatory class that isn’t offered, he looks dumbfounded and says he’ll get back to you.