Transforms from microcassette to robot and back!


"Destroy what's below and what's above will follow."

RUMBLE is your basic street punk. Small but always acting tough. Quick temper and mean disposition. Follows Megatron's orders eagerly. Transmits immense low frequency groundwaves to create powerful earthquakes. His small size limits his physical strength, but his ability to shatter the ground makes him difficult to approach in a fight.

  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Speed: 2
  • Endurance: 9
  • Rank: 5
  • Courage: 7
  • Firepower: 8
  • Skill: 5
Transformers Tech Specs

In the toy line, Rumble was the red-and-black "human" cassette; Frenzy was the blue-and-navy one. The cartoon switched their names for no apparent reason other than writer's error, and never corrected it. Fortunately, they usually appeared together, so nitpickers (like me) could rest happily at least half the time.