In my dream, a friend of mine just happened to be asleep in my bed. I was also asleep in the dream, and viewed the entire first portion from a third person perspective. The friend (we’ll call her Kate) was wearing an alarm on her wrist, sort of resembling a large and clunky plastic watch. There were three different lights on the alarm, each standing for a different stimulus. For some reason, Kate had it set to SNEEZE, which had a corresponding red light next to it.

This alarm caused her to violently spasm and lash out whenever someone sneezed within earshot or her. Well, being oblivious to the obvious, I watched myself sneeze in my sleep. Kate immediately responded with a powerful donkey kick with her legs, landing it square on the right side of my face. I didn’t wake up.

The next morning, I was myself again and viewing the world through my own eyes. The right side of my face was numb, and I had no idea why. It later started to throb and hurt like a bitch, but I still didn’t know why. I asked Kate if she had any idea, but she turned bright red, started crying, and ran home. I then asked my mother, who replied “It’s not important. Leave Kate alone.”

I became suspicious. I went to find Kate, and asked her if she had donkey kicked my face while we were asleep. This was just a random, yet intuitive, guess as to what may have caused the extreme pain I was experiencing. She tearfully admitted to committing the crime, and promised never to set the alarm to SNEEZE again.

Later on, Kate and I were driving around the school parking lot in her little Cabrio. She let me drive for a while, when we saw my parents' purplish Jeep Grand Cherokee go racing past. I felt a sudden rush of resentment and anger. I decided to express my emotions by parallel parking. This would show the whole world how upset I was.

What I learned from this dream: it’s okay to parallel park your parentally-directed teenage anger away after getting donkey kicked in the face by a childhood friend while sleeping.