user since
Fri Apr 30 1999 at 06:10:28 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
Fri Mar 23 2001 at 17:28:09 (24 years ago )
number of write-ups
16 - View jamesc's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 151
mission drive within everything
Populate with strange selection of things I claim to know.
c, hack scripts, unix, mips, windsurf, kite, origami, garlic & chillies
Walterstown, Colaiste Muire, UL, S3
100 Make fun. Fall over. Repeat until stiff. Recover. Goto 100.
most recent writeup
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Called James mostly. Weirdo in UL and Fiocco on Medievia. Play: linux perl hike windsurf fractals Conway's life ski origami softball cooking (passionate men cook >;)

Work: S3 Philips Lucent Analog Devices, GSM .OMC/basestation software, odd bit of scripting hackery.

Grew up in Ashgrove, Cobh, Ireland, University in Limerick, work in Dublin and Huizen (in the Netherlands, near Amsterdam)...