Sometime during my 5 hours of sleep this morning, I had a dream. I dreamt I was running around some track that was on the second level of a building with a hole in the middle (like the gym here at Dartmouth). Alright, I guess it was more like a nightmare since I was running. Anyway, I see Mouse (this guy on the Ultimate team, and a one-time noder) running in front of me and decide that I need to beat him (as in run by him, not physically pound him with my meathooks). So I start racing with him and we're going at it (as in running, not having sex). But, Mouse unfortunately decides to take a turn to tight (kind of at a 30 degree angle on a circular track) and runs into the rail. If you've seen Mouse run, you know this is possible. His body starts tumbling over the railing and I grab onto his legs/ankles with my hands (like in the movies). AT this point, I calmy say to the person near me, "little help...little help." but, unfortunately for Mouse, I lose my grip before the guy can get there. Mouse falls head first to the floor below and lands on his head. He kind of bounces off the floor leaving a wet mark of some kind, but miraculously is still alive. At this point I am somewhat shaken up at having almost been part of the death of Mouse. Then I hear from below in a somewhat jocular voice, "Mouse is gonna have some permanent retardation...he's not looking to good." I woke up from this dream in somewhat disturbed, but then calmed myself with the realization that it was only Mouse. And really, it probably wasn't the first time he sustained such a severe head injury.