Scott and Julia's wedding, while wonderful, was but part of the (extended) weekend's festivities.
The whole thing started on July 3, 2003 with a combined bachelor/bachelorette party at a roller skating rink in Nashville. We (Strong_Bow79, Erika, Ian, and myself) arrived nearly an hour late thanks to a late start (my bad...) and some misleading directions (thanks, Scott...).
When we arrived, we spied Spackle heading through the door, so we knew we had to be in the right place. A gaggle of noders was clustered at the end of the rink, some with skates, some (wisely) without. I hadn't skated in a long, long time, so I prudently ditched my mini in favor of jeans, donned skates, and ventured out onto the floor. Bad move. I think I won the prize for most spectacular wipeouts several times over, although BAR did have one fairly spectacular one too (you know it's a good wipeout when the non-skating crowd all groan in sympathy). I landed hard enough one time that the button popped off my jeans and skittered across the floor.
There were sodas and snacks, including a giant bowl of guacamole; there was hokey-pokeying; there were races and games of tag. There was blood (CzarKhan was attacked by a vicious watch) and pain (you should SEE my ass and my knees, never mind my wrists) and love (Scott and Julia, Karmaflux and Frankie) and laughter (see the wipeouts above...) - it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
After everyone had indulged their masochistic tendencies to the fullest, the party adjourned to Union Station, where several of our crew had taken rooms. There was much drinking, smoking, talking and laughing (to the point that Security called). Cheese pizzas were demolished, jethro_bodine's eclectic MP3 collection was listened to, and a good time was had by all.
The next day, being July 4, 2003, we all agreed to meet at Union Station at 6 pm to wander down to the Riverfront and watch the fireworks. It was understood that we were all to have eaten beforehand. We (my crew) were, once again, about 30 minutes late, so when we got there, we weren't surprised to see that everyone had left. We headed towards the Riverfront, and - surprise! - ran into the whole crew headed our way. It seems that people were hungry and looking for food. Comestibles were located at the Flying Saucer, a bar that specializes in beers - as in, they have a beer list 3 pages long. Food was eaten and much beer was ingested. When darkness fell, not many people were interested in going to watch the fireworks, so our litle troop, plus CzarKhan and brainwave, set out to find a vantage point nearby. We had to make do with a parking lot, but at least we saw fireworks - hearts, stars, and smiley faces (mostly upside down).
After the fireworks, the party adjourned to the Best Western where most of the crew were staying with the intention of taking over the pool. Alas, it had closed half an hour before we got there. Though much saddened, our intrepid adventurers still managed to have fun, with Euchre, EATPOOPYOUCAT, much alcohol, and the new Ren and Stimpy (which BITES). Alternate expedition sites for swimming were suggested, maps were pored over, and eventually a diehard group of adventurers set out for Dragon Park, where more alcohol was consumed and many many fireworks were set off. I think the highlight of the evening was zot-fot-piq standing below the tower people were firing explosives off and trying to catch them ("Hey, fire those Roman Candles at me! I bet you can't hit me!!). A water-spewing dragon was discovered, so moist fun ensued as well.
The day of the wedding dawned beautiful and clear - July 5, 2003. Unfortunately, for those of us who had not gotten to sleep til about 5, it also dawned WAY too early. Union Station was full of spiffily dressed noders and miscellaneous other folk (boy, noders DO clean up good...). Scott was very handsome in his tuxedo? morning coat? What the hell is that thing called? with a grey ascot and a salmon-colored rose; dann was the minister everyone wants at their wedding; tandex and Reed were handsome as groomsmen, as was karmaflux in his dress greens. Julia was a radiant vision of loveliness, and the love between her and Scott as they stood together was moving. The ceremony was short and sweet, with both saying personal vows to each other, and followed by the most amazing and plentiful dinner ever. Accipiter, who had the mafioso vibe thing going, had to be reminded about "hats OFF for fine dining", but otherwise all went smoothly. Dancing, an awesome wedding cake as well as gigantic chocolate-covered strawberries followed, and the festivities were concluded with Scott and Julia departing per horse-drawn carriage.
Once again, the party adjourned to the Best Western for swimming; unfortunately, having no bathing suit with me, I was forced to swim in my underwear. After much swimming, splashing, dunking and funnoodle-bopping, we went for dinner, then returned, hung out in the lobby playing Fluxx or other games, and were finally joined by Sarcasmo and Julia's eerily look-alike sister. Afer having our minds thoroughly boggled by the random leaps of thought Sarcasmo is capable of, we sadly bid our friends adieu and headed home.
It was a great weekend. I'm really, really glad to have met you/seen you again, and I hope to see you all again soon. Scott and Julia, I wish you the very very best in your marriage. May your life always be as much fun as a barrel of monkeys.