The number one book most owned by American libraries with some version of the word "fuck" in the title is:
The Ice Opinion : Who Gives A Fuck?
Ice-T and Heidi Siegmund, New York : St. Martin's Press, 1994 (ISBN: 0312104863)

This book is owned by 414 libraries or library systems.

Libraries listed as owning this book include:

Only 3 out of 50 US States indicate that they have zero (0) libraries owning any copies of this book:

Total number of titles with some version of the word "fuck" as part of the title according to OCLC's WorldCat:


The second place book most owned by American libraries with some version of the word "fuck" in the title (24 libraries) is:

Fuck : Roman
Laurent Chalumeau. Paris : Grasset, 1991 (ISBN: 2246451817)


OCLC WorldCat Expert Search using search string

(ti: fuck* or ti: motherfuck*) not (nt: fuck* or nt: motherfuck*) and dt= "bks"


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