"Helpdesk, this is Kevin."

I've been working too much. I know this, because even at home I answer the phone with my helpdesk lines. Well, that and not having noded in months.

Welcome to the world of everlasting boredom, the great eternal struggle of trying not to lose yourself and become just one more cog in the corporate machine. I don't mind, I have no life anyway. I give the 800 number to anyone who asks, none make the effort.

I have become nothing. And I chose this path for myself.

"Helpdesk, this is Kevin."

It runs through my head, like a mantra, eliminating all other thoughts and bringing a sense of peace.

"Helpdesk, this is Kevin."

Just leave me alone!

"Helpdesk, this is Kevin."

Sanctuary! My cube has become more comforting than home.

"Helpdesk, this is Kevin."

Put me out of my misery.