I'm going to yoga tonight - I couldn't go last night, I was feeling really wretched like there was no blood in my body. Love having a second period in a month, what fun. Bleah.
I actually am missing yoga!! I only did it once last week. It really makes me feel - alive, centered, I think. I got there early last week (thought class started half an hour earlier, not cause I wanted to!) and the teacher gave a sales spiel for aikido. Aikido looks pretty intriguing - I'm not going to act on it right now, although I do want to learn self defense, I am not going to take on two new physical regimens!!! That would be overkill and I'd give up in a few weeks, I'm sure. Maybe next year. We'll see.
Work sucks - too much of it and I couldn't care less. I wish I could find a job that paid a little more that was much more interesting. My boss's boss says I'm definitely going to Honduras, so I hope I get some idea about what I'm going to teach before I get there! That will be VERY interesting, I'm sure. I had to go apply for my passport today - I'll get it Friday, so that's cool.
Jodi's graduation is tomorrow, and John starts his final exams Friday. Bought some yard baby animals for my art car last night - they're so cute, they make you want to puke. Perfect.
What else? My therapist is so good - she's very supportive. I don't think I have any more transference about her. I'm learning to not please others so much any more. At least, I can see it a little clearer now. It takes less time to realize that's what I'm doing. She wants me to spend more time alone, in a calm space, so I can be open to what's going on inside - and she's absolutely right. So I'm trying to set aside some routine times during the week to do that, and some little times every day. Hard to do - I think I am going to have to get up earlier and do yoga or walking in the morning, cause I get tied up with driving around in the evening, you know, running errands, giving rides, etc. and there will be more of that with my son's class starting (yesterday) and my daughter possibly coming home for a while.
I saw my mother yesterday. Interesting conversation. I told her about me. It went very well. I wasn't going to tell her, but a few months ago I had dropped the hint that I had a personality disorder. So I just told her. I'm fine, she was in a very upbeat mood, she's made a new friend, just got back from a week in Atlantic City gambling; it went far better than I expected.