Happy with the thought that I might just get my own way. Maybe not tomorrow but definitely today. Happy with the thought that I might just get my own way.

Must get. Just get. Must get. Just get.

Inner burning feeling I’ve got from taking you inside. You really hurt me. You’ve made me realise I am not alive I just have been living. Now I go into the night and the old people line my side. Sitting on stone chairs three metres high in cold, cold grey.

I’m scared but you let me grip your arm and I pace real quick past the hedges and trees of oldness and grey onto the path where soon I’ll be home.

I turn to see what it is I’ve walked through and it’s just a path with trees. That’s all. Just a path.

Must get. Just get. Must get. Just get.

Falling into sleep I think of what I’ve done and the stories I’ve seen through these chemical eyes. Maybe not tomorrow, but definitely today.