At the coffee house the other night.

taken time

                 meet my memory, he said
           smiling as he made the introduction
   you’ll be together a while

            he seemed lovely on paper
    like catching some B-movie
when the soul is sliding around

a six dollar cup of coffee
                     it's idealism on the cheap
             by an empty window

                          staring at those perfect teeth      
              I was missing the rest of myself
all wrapped up inside his head ...

      outside, streets filled with life
early to wake, 
                   early to miss 

   the air takes shape
someone smiled,
                    something was misplaced

we write our histories like folk stories
        watching as the letters come
  looking for a ...

                      ... a slap in a coffee shop
        no one can tell the difference
3 years later  
                   when you cried

in love’s glass-bottomed boat
       the world is a dark room
                   out on the ocean