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The news staff of a finnish television station was going to do a report on the legalization of Marijuana, which is being worked on in the UK. They decided to have one layman interviewed, and to choose that person from the candidates they organized a wrist watch throwing competition. Whoever was able to fling a wrist watch (without the bracelet part) the farthest would get to express his/her opinion on the air.
If you're aware of the drug politics in Finland, you can already tell this was not to be a fair fight. The playing field was divided into "lanes", resembling a bowling alley. Those of us who support the legalization had their lanes filled with all sorts of obstacles to prevent us from winning. One of the guys even had a fluffy pine tree planted on his course, and every time he threw a watch it hit the tree.
The people in favor of the current nazi laws also had more watches to throw than us open minded people. I had 3 or 4 of them, while the anti-legalization guy next to me had a huge full bucket!
This dream ended before we got to hear the results, but I'm sure the pro-nazi-side won in the end. :(
Even in my dreams there is no freedom of speech, but plenty of censorship.
BTW, the television channel in question was MTV3.

I was climbing some wet and slippery rocks with an another guy, at night, attempting to steal something from a restaurant built on top of that rocky hill.
We were caught by the janitor, which is a good thing.
Stealing is not cool.

A big bunch of really strange people were visiting my parents' house. They included the father unsuccessfully attempting to pimp his daughters to everybody he saw, and a young boy who seemed to be suffering from paranoid delusions. In real life I don't know anybody even remotely resembling these specimens.
Oh, my parents' house was also very different instead of what it is in reality.. I remember wondering why I had never noticed a second shower before. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't the house I thought it was...