Rio Grande do Sul is a brazilian state, located in the far south of the country. It occupies aproximately 3% of all Brazil's land area, and 6% of all the population. It has an GDP of 31 billion dollars, is the second major producer of grains, second in commercial establishments and also second in transformation industry in all the country.


Population: 10,187,798
Total area: 282,062 squared kilometers
Life expectancy: 71,8 years
Infant mortality rate: 15 for each 1000


Argentina to the west, Uruguay to the south, the brazilian state of Santa Catarina to the north and the Atlantic ocean to the east.

State anthem:

Como a aurora precursora
do farol da divindade,
foi o Vinte de Setembro
o precursor da liberdade.

Mostremos valor, constância,
nesta ímpia e injusta guerra,
sirvam nossas façanhas
de modelo a toda terra.

Mas não basta pra ser livre
ser forte, aguerrido e bravo,
povo que não tem virtude
acaba por ser escravo.