10,000, particularly 10,000 meters. Approximately 6.2 miles, the 10K is a tough race. It may be run in track (25 laps on a standard 400M track) or cross-country. A good performance in the 10K obviously requires both speed and endurance, as well as pacing, timing, motivation, and wise choices.

My PR in the 10K was set March 2, at the Taichung City Meet. I placed third, and got 41:05. I am more of a 5K person, but I enjoyed that race a whole lot.
On March 8, 2001, I broke this PR again at the Taichung City Meet. I placed fifth this time in the stiffer competition amidst cold wind and rain, with a time of 40:35. I'm not so sure that that I'm more of a 5K person any more.