user since
Thu Oct 17 2002 at 18:21:26 (22.4 years ago )
last seen
Mon May 27 2024 at 23:47:17 (9.9 months ago )
number of write-ups
159 - View bane221's writeups (feed)
level / experience
8 (Encyclopedist) / 3816
C!s spent
roller coasters, child psychology, hiking, lacrosse
An elementary school somewhere in Northern Indiana (I'm the teacher for those confused)
Live like you'll die tomorrow
most recent writeup
Send private message to bane221

Top Ten Combined Steel/Wooden Coaster List
Subject to change with my mood

OCD is highly misunderstood. Worse yet: so are the people with it. Take a sec and educate yourself. It doesn't hurt, I promise. I don't think it does anyway.

e-mail: (MSN messenger as well)
AIM: bane221
(I really should attempt to beef up this homenode someday... yeah... tomorrow maybe.)

This used to be something I considered private and personal but if any group is at distinction to be shared with it is my family here at E2.

Things to Do Before I Die

  1. Skydive
  2. Build a table
  3. Write a book
  4. Get a professional education article published
  5. Master sign language (on my way!)
  6. SCUBA dive (July 2006)
  7. Attend a live taping of a TV show
  8. Adopt a son
  9. Own a cow
  10. Change a tire (5/9/2003)
  11. Act lead in another play
  12. Learn to swing dance
  13. Perform stand-up (3/11/2003)
  14. Go backpacking
  15. Revisit the same B&B in Bath, Maine
  16. Revisit Sunset Rock Cliff in Kentucky
  17. Play professional lacrosse
  18. Visit a real castle in Europe
  19. Drop a max bet on a craps table
  20. Bartend well
  21. Be in a movie
  22. Meet
  23. Learn piano well (well would indicate I can play… just far from well)
  24. Meet Mark Hoppus
  25. Own a Jeep (was so close but it's a Compass not a Wrangler)
  26. Earn a degree in Child Psychology (received ElEd but not Child Psych… yet)
  27. Dye my hair
  28. Get married (and now divorced)
  29. Play in a real poker tournament
  30. Write for a website (now as I type this I wonder: Have I already done that?)
  31. Get a roller coaster photo published in a roller coaster magazine
  32. Successfully execute any skateboard trick
  33. Ride Stealth (the coaster)
  34. Go rappelling
  35. Be on a testing crew of a new roller coaster
  36. Audition for Jeopardy!
  37. Own my own house
  38. Be debt free
  39. Name first born as planned
  40. Call a friend I’ve lost touch with, 15 years passed
  41. Learn Tres Hambres on guitar
  42. Drink Everclear
  43. Find and/or learn the whisper lyrics to Everlong
  44. 30 Year Party (2031)
  45. Go to a disco club
  46. Be able to go into a bar and say “gimme the usual”
  47. See first year students graduate
  48. Try sushi (1/17/2004)
  49. Learn to fence
  50. Ride a lay-down coaster with Jimmy
  51. Polar Bear
  52. Ride Top Thrill Dragster with Jake
Wiccanpiper: "If you stop by here sometime, we can take care of #42 on your list" Everclear with Wiccanpiper... yummy ;)

(Lists generated Sat Aug 28 19:28:13 2004 GMT, as of August 27, 2004 writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
5C! Steve Jackson Games v The United States Secret Service 1
March 15, 2003 2
1C! Obsessive compulsive disorder 3
August 27, 2004 4
February 14, 2004 5

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
5C! Steve Jackson Games v The United States Secret Service 1
March 15, 2003 2
August 27, 2004 3
1C! Obsessive compulsive disorder 4
February 14, 2004 (tied) 5
February 29, 2004 (tied) 5

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 Lacrosse ball
2 (tied) Carioca
2 (tied) Indiana High School Lacrosse Association
2 (tied) stick check
2 (tied) guts
2 (tied) Shivering Timbers

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 flyswatter
2 (tied) August 27, 2004
2 (tied) Apple Shampoo
4 January 1, 2004
5 Boxcar Racer

5 Most Reputable Writeups
5C! Steve Jackson Games v The United States Secret Service 1
1C! Obsessive compulsive disorder 2
3C! Posing as a doctor is illegal in all fifty states 3
1C! Russian ice slide 4
3C! Mario Lemieux (tied) 5
3C! Square One TV (tied) 5

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 flyswatter
2 (tied) August 27, 2004
2 (tied) Apple Shampoo
4 (tied) January 1, 2004
4 (tied) Boxcar Racer