Encryption run...a-spunk?
(get it? like run amok? Oh, nevermind.)
I perused Slashdot. I saw a story about bacteria encrypting sperm. Yesterday it was all about Osama bin Laden using steganography to encrypt things in porn. Evil begets evil, indeed! If you agree with the FBI that encryption only has evil purposes, then looking at evil porn from an evil terrorist will lead to an evil by-product that is also full of encryption. I think the whole thing about encryption being a munition is getting a little out of hand. (Or would it be in a hand in this case?)

Boot, damn you!
So far, my boot strap program is supposed to do nothing but dump a little message on the screen to confirm that it ran; and then it just loops forever until I hit the reset switch. I invested a whole hour into writing that and testing it last night, and it's still not working yet. If I can't even print strings to the screen, how do I debug this problem? I guess I have to resort to writing strings directly into the video memory. How gross!

When should I call?
How long after a date should a guy wait before calling a girl? I've waited more than a day. Should I call tonight? I think I should. She seems pretty cool so far, so I'm a bit nervous about calling too soon or too late.