If you are of the persuasion to pay for porn on the internet keep in
mind the following: nothing is free. If the website is requesting your
credit card for any reason, expect to be billed. If the site offers a
FREE trial membership, then expect that after the trial membership is over
you will be charged for a full monthly membership. If you sign up for a
one month membership then expect to be billed every month after the first.
If you send an email to the website saying that you are canceling your
membership and you don't get a response, then you most likely haven't been
canceled. If you do get a response then save that email. Never delete it,
because as soon as you delete it you'll find a new charge on your account
and have no proof that you canceled the membership months ago. With this
(as with everything) read your credit card bill / bank statement
monthly. Finding out that you've been charged for a monthly subscription
for 8 months and then calling the company to complain doesn't work.