Do not read this unless you want to spoil the fun of a good book
The beginning of the story opens with
Bean being a scrawny boy who
is just barely alive on the streets of
Rotterdam, where he succeeds in joining
Poke’s "crew". He tells them how to get in the front of the line at the
kitchen: beat up an older kid and use him to get the others out of the way, this
is where
Achilles comes in. They target Achilles because he has a gimp leg.
Bean tells them that they shouldn’t but they don’t listen to him because he is a
little child even by their standards. They succeed in getting Achilles to work
for them. What they didn’t know however is that Achilles doesn’t like for
people to see him when he can’t
defend himself; he has a way of getting
back at these certain people, which is why he later kills Poke after kissing
Things are going great and they get better when
Sister Carlotta comes
looking for children she thinks will make it in
Battle School. She originally
comes for Achilles but when she tests Bean for his skills he tests better than
Achilles, so she decides to use him instead. Sister Carlotta tests him again to
decide weather she wants him to go to Battle School, he scored exceptionally
high for a four year old so she sends him away even though kids aren’t
normally accepted for Battle School until they are six.
On the
shuttle to Battle School Bean was set apart from the others
because the
commanding officer seemed to prefer him to the others, which
made them think of Bean as a teachers’ pet. When they boarded the school
they were sent to their barracks. Bean immediately palmed his hand on the
scanner for his locker and started looking at the items that it contained: a
casual spacesuit, a
battle room suit, and a
freeze gun. They were then
escorted to the
gym by
Captain Dimak. Afterwards, Bean wondered off
from the rest of the group to explore the station figuring that he had an excuse
since he was new. He was sent down from those corridors by Petra Arkanian.
He then wondered to the gameroom where he found who he had been looking
for: Bonzo. He was looking for Bonzo because he knew that he wouldn’t lie
about what Bean wanted to know: who was
Ender Wiggin? Meanwhile
Sister Carlotta was trying to find out all she could about Bean. She figured
out that he wasn’t a regular boy he had been genetically altered, how or by
whom is what she didn’t know.
Bean soon after decided to explore the vents and ducts since he was still
small enough to fit in. While he explored these he noticed a teacher signing
onto their computer, Bean thought this and excellent way to get more
information. He used the login to create himself an identity which he could
use to explore what he couldn’t on his student login. He looked at the student
files, mostly just his and Enders
scores and
tests. He later became friends
with a fellow student, Nikolai Delphiki.
The teachers came to Bean with a
hypothetical assignment: to arrange a
team of just launchies and low ranked veterans.He figured out that this
was for Ender. He did this "assignment" and he added his name to the
The next day all the kids who Bean put on the list were given transfer
slips to report to
Dragon Army
barracks. Over the next couple of weeks
Dragon Army became the best having a perfect win record. This was not easy
however because they had not been given the set amount of time to practice
before they were given their first game and the games also started to come
twice a week then to twice a day. Bean didn’t start off as a toon leader but he
soon showed Ender what he was made of and he was made a special toon
leader. The last game Ender ever played was against two armies. Ender didn’t
care about the games any more because they didn’t mean anything anymore,
so he just sent is his toon leaders to end the game. When Ender got back to
his commanders room Bean followed him there and was invited into a long
and serious discussion. The end of this discussion was when Colonel Graff
came in and handed Ender a set of transfer papers, Ender was out of Battle
School. He was being sent to Command School on the
asteroid of
Soon after Bean became a commander of the Rat Army. Soon after that
he was informed that Achilles was in his army. Bean got rid of him by
trapping him in the ducts and making him commit to all of his
Later Bean and some other students were sent to
Tactical School. He left to
Tactical School with
Fly Molo, and
Hot Soup. After about three months they were sent
to Command School.
At Command School they were constantly being trained with
three-dimensional "games" that was supposed to prepare them for the real
thing. After weeks of this they finally moved to one room and was then
assigned modules. They were told that they were now going to be taking
directions from a commander. Bean already knew it was
Enderand sure
enough it was. They "practiced" with Ender for weeks, doing strenuous
activities and challenging models to work out. Finally Petra broke because
Ender relied on her heavily after which she never did fully recover from the
mental breakdown. Finally they were told that this would be their final test.
They were put up against and enemy of overwhelming numbers and the odds
were against them. Ender however pulled the same move he did in the last
game he played and just dove right in for the kill and the win.
They were later told that it wasn’t a game, that they were commanding
real ships with real men inside. It hit them like a ton of bricks and Ender took
it the worst. They stayed in
Eros for a long time while a civil war broke out
on Earth and they went back when it was over. Sister Carlotta however had
one last thing to tell Bean that she had found out: Bean was the brother of one
of friends while at Battle School and if he would have been named his name
would have been:
Julian Delphiki.