(For thy browsing pleasure: <-- Day --> | <-- Dream --> | Wolf's Dreamworld )

I was in some sort of weird television competition show...

The goal of the game was to search stuff from Google and then select the path to the next room based on the answer. Wrong answer led to either dead end or harder problem.

Google's main page had changed, too... the background was light grey, logo was "GOOGLE" with narrow sans serif (Helvetica???), and it had lighter-grey gears next to the logo. The search form was part of the logo image. Still light and neat, though.

I ran into one problem. Basically, this time the correct answer was either 180 or 181, but the catch was that there were four doors, two for each answer. I looked up the answer, it was 180. The other door was dead end, so I went to the other.

Tricky problem followed.

The room was full of orphan children, some humans, some furries and even Pokémons! The goal was to find substitute mothers for the orphans with the search engine.

I thought the problem was fairly tricky, so I decided to rest a bit. Some other contestants came to the room. One lion-furry dressed in kimono poured gasoline on himself, to clean himself I suppose, and every fire Pokémon decided to go further away so that there would not be accidents!

I looked down and saw a Vulpix cub (colored pale red). I talked to it ("Vulpix vulpix vulpix, vulpix vulpix?") and the discussion seemed pretty straightforward but no one who looked at us couldn't tell what we were talking of =)