Kids In The Hall character played by Scott Thompson: "And then there's me. Actor. Singer. Dancer. Model...Canadian." Also owned Buddy's, a gay bar (until he lost it in a strip poker game and decided to try arson), has managed teenage girl singer Tammy, and used to be an Anglican minister. "I can still perform marriages as long as I don't practice homosexuality during the ceremony. It's so I won't come on to the groom." A close friend of Queen Elizabeth II ("Listen, we queens have to stick together.") and foster-father to a beaver who lives at his chalet in the Northwest Territories.

In a sketch, Buddy says his parents were international diamond thieves who left him in a Montreal airport when he was 12. He also calls Rip Taylor his uncle. His full first name is Butterick, but only the Queen calls him that. If he were stranded on a desert island, he'd bring his favorite book, All About Rhoda by Peggy Hertz from Scholastic Press, his favorite album, Johnny Mathis and Denise Williams," That's What Friends Are For ("I always like to have an ex-lover's music around. Denise is good, too.") and his favorite person, Oscar Wilde.

Scott Thompson and Paul Bellini have also written a book, Buddy Babylon: The Autobiography of Buddy Cole, which occasionally contradicts the TV sketches but tells the life story with great humor and in much more detail. says the character appeared in "Love at First Sight" (pilot), "On The Races" (#102), "Dinosaurs" (#108), "Stranded on a Desert Island" (#115), "I'm Canadian" (#116, #120), "Buddy Cole Plays Softball" (#202), "Buddy on Outing" (#204), "Buddy Cole In Jail" (#205), "A Trial Where Nobody's Guilty' (#205), "Buddy Cole In The Woods" (#206), "The Kafuffle" (#211), "Introducing Tammy" (#303), "Buddy Cole in Paris" (#309), "Buddy's Search For a New Lover" (#312), "Vice" (#318), "Virtual Reality" (#402), "Chalet 2000" (#409), "Everybody Knew Who Everybody Was" (#412), "Cemetery" (#418), "How To" (#503), "Montreal" (#504), "Yes Minister" (#514), "Empty Bar" (#521).